Mason Campus Awareness, Referral, and Education for Suicide Prevention

Mental Health Monologue – Active Minds

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Date(s) - 20/04/2016
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Dewberry Hall

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ActiveMinds at George Mason chapter is hosting a Mental Health Monologue to promote awareness on mental health wellness and suicide prevention. Mason CARES will partner up with them and be at the event.

Mental Health Monologue: 

Stories and art come together in a beautiful culmination- the voices of those suffering with mental illness come to life in this wonderful event. Monolouges, songs, and art will show the struggles of life with mental illness and the hope that lies within. Mental illness is a hard battle to fight, but through the words of those who suffer, we can create a conversation and show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel through treatment and recovery.

More information please refer to the facebook page of ActiveMinds @