Mason Campus Awareness, Referral, and Education for Suicide Prevention

Our Partners

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides a wide range of services to students, faculty, and staff. Services are provided by a staff of professional counseling and clinical psychologists, social workers, and counselors. CAPS individual and group counseling, workshops and outreach programs are designed to enhance students’ personal experience and academic performance.

Active Minds

Active Minds chapters are student-run mental health awareness, education, and advocacy groups on college campuses. Chapters are designed to use peer outreach and education to: increase students’ awareness of mental health issues and symptoms of mental health disorders, provide information about valuable resources, encourage students to seek help as soon as help is needed, and serve as a liaison between students and the mental health community.

Student Support and Advocacy Center

SSAC helps students develop and maintain healthy lifestyles through one on one support, and interactive programs and resources. Some of the topics we address are healthy relationships, stress management, nutrition, sexual assault, drug and alcohol use and sexual health.

Office of Diversity Inclusion and Multicultural Education (ODIME)

ODIME leads the university in creating an inclusive learning environment through identity development and cultural competency.  Our mission is to assist the university in retaining, actively engaging and successfully graduating students with specific attention to historically underrepresented and marginalized groups.

Graduate Student Life

Graduate Student Life is dedicated to supporting the success of Mason graduate students by providing community-building, professional development, and personal development programs; connecting graduate students to campus resources; and identifying and advocating for graduate student needs.

Student Health Services

Our mission is to provide high quality health care, counseling, health education and prevention services to George Mason University students.We strive to create a healthcare environment that is free from any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or age. Our efforts and initiatives support University Life core values.

Housing & Residence Life

We foster dynamic, respectful, student-centered communities that support the educational development of our residents and the academic mission of our university.

GMU Police – Department of Police and Public Safety

In 1981 the George Mason University’s 21 person security department was reorganized and formed as an autonomous law enforcement agency. Nine years later after George Mason was established as a four-year university in 1972 when the governor signed legislation separating it from the University of Virginia.

Today, the George Mason University Police Department has grown to a force of over fifty sworn officers that patrol the Arlington, Prince William and Fairfax campuses. The department is a full service law enforcement agency which has maintained its national recognition status per the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) since 1991.

Academic Advising & Transfer Center

The professional staff at the ATC advises undergraduate, undeclared students or students who are thinking about changing majors. We also serve new undergraduate transfer students who need assistance transitioning to Mason. Let us know how we can help you!

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office handles requests and questions regarding undergraduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Humanities & Social Sciences

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at George Mason University is committed to providing a challenging education to undergraduate and graduate students, expanding the frontiers of knowledge through research, and contributing intellectual leadership to the community. The college values the rich scholarly traditions of the past while embracing evolving disciplinary and interdisciplinary innovations. It believes that a liberal arts education is the best preparation for a lifetime of careers.

College of Education & Human Development

The College of Education and Human Development is composed of two sub-units: the Graduate School of Education (GSE) and the School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism (RHT). GSE’s degree, licensure, and certificate programs are focused on teacher and counselor preparation, advanced studies for teachers and school leaders, instructional technology, and research training.

Psychology Department

The Department of Psychology at George Mason University supports high standards of scholarship to inform and improve a changing world. They are committed to training students at all levels, from high school students who intern with us through post-doctoral students seeking to gain additional skills after receiving their doctoral degree. Students at all levels have the opportunity to work side by side with our faculty in their labs; some of these students go on to do their own independent research through our undergraduate honors program.